Author Archives: Erin

When I first met with Kirsten and Donny I immediately felt comfortable – like we could have just visited for hours.  They are just those kind of people.  The kind of people that ask me how my daughter was doing on their wedding day (they knew she wasn’t feeling well).  Thank you, Kirsten and Donny...

My little Della turned four years old over the weekend – how can that be?  I can’t believe I have had the honor of being her mother for four years already.  I could go on and on about her, but to sum her up – she is totally awesome.  I love you sweet girl!  Thanks for...

I just can’t believe this little guy is a whole year old already!  It seems like not that long ago that I did Liz’s maternity session (notice the shoes!) and then Drew’s newborn session… and here we are a year later already.  Crazy!  Anyway, we started out downtown, but it was so COLD so we...

I had the privilege of photographing Madeline again this Fall, just in time for her 2nd birthday.  She came all decked out in an adorable party dress and glittery shoes, and she was ready to run and play!  I am not kidding you, she is the fastest 2-year-old I have ever photographed!  I have a...

I met up with Tom, Martie and Finley at Riverside Park for some fun family pictures to celebrate Finley turning two years old.  When I saw them pull up in an old Ford truck (this is Tom’s truck that he drove as a teenager!) with a big bouquet of balloons coming out the window I knew...