Author Archives: Erin

It is funny how things always work out better than originally planned.  Between sickness and weather, Beau’s senior session had to be rescheduled several times.  When we finally were able to meet up, the weather was cold, but the light was perfect.  Beau and I would do short stints outside and run back in to...

Do you remember Finley and her amazing eyes?  Well, Finley just celebrated her first birthday!  She is still as cute as ever… and now she’s walking!  We started out our session in the building where her dad works, which had TONS of incredible art.   We then moved outside and explored the grass, rocks, had a wagon...

When I drove up to this family’s home, I knew I was in for a treat.  They have the most amazing backyard, complete all sorts of fun trails and a pond!  I could have gotten lost with my camera out there… it was beautiful!  Scott and Carla, you have an amazing family – thank you for...

Yay!  Another blog post!  My dear husband stayed home with our daughter today, giving me some time to work.  I am taking advantage of it and trying to catch up on all the awesome sessions I have had over the past few weeks! We found some great new spots downtown for Michael’s session.  I shoot a...

Hooray!  Another awesome session with two of my favorite girls – Lulu and Leah!  We met up on campus to do Lulu’s three-year pictures and were very fortunate to have great light.  It started out dark and gray, but cleared off right about sunset – perfect!  Lulu spent the session collecting berries and Leah spent her...