Author Archives: Erin

Another baby post – yay!  Photographing babies is so much fun – everything about them is so precious, from their drooly smiles to their tiny toes.  And as I can now speak from experience, this time goes by incredibly fast, making pictures like this even more special. Miles was a great model (despite teething – already!)...

I wanted to share some pictures I did recently with Tucker downtown!  It was so fun to do some “urban baby” shots.  I don’t know if Tucker knew what to think of all the concrete – he is a farm kid!  We found some awesome locations with amazing colors that were perfect for a baby.  Enjoy!  Thanks for...

Here it is, the long awaited peek at Greg and Kari’s wedding!  Greg and Kari tied the knot over in the Iron Range in Hibbing, MN.  I really enjoyed being the photographer for them on their special day – thanks for the encouragment, Kari! 😉 The weather was nice and cool (especially considering it was...

Whew my last (but certainly not least!) and final La Grande session!  This is my oldest brother Tom, his wife Lori and their family.  Tom and Lori picked yet another great location for their session – Morgan Lake at sunset!  They had scouted out this beautiful meadow filled with yarrow in full-bloom, and to top...

We’re back from our weekend in the Iron Range!  Greg and Kari’s wedding was beautiful and tons of fun – I’ll post a peek from their wedding as soon as I get all 1,200 pictures uploaded to my computer!  In the mean time, I still have some La Grande sessions to blog… busy busy!  I...