Author Archives: Erin

I have been getting into the holiday spirit here at home, and as I sat down to post here on the blog, I decided to change from fall colors to something that reflects the season.  I decided on this fun snowman theme that I hope you enjoy as much as me! Thanks for reading…

Oh, I could just eat this little guy up!  Tucker was just 5 1/2 weeks old when he had his first photo session. I really love the black and whites.  And, of course I can’t resist those little toes! Here’s Tucker! Thanks for reading…

Whew – the holiday season is keeping me busy!  I have been neglecting the blog a little bit, and for that I apologize.  Okay, on with the post.  I wanted to post a few pictures of my good-lookin’ nephews from the Seattle area.  We barely got a photo session in because it rained almost the...

I haven’t posted any pictures of my own daughter in the blog, so I just thought I’d share a few of her in her halloween costume.  I don’t think she is very impressed.  I think the second picture is just about the saddest thing!  Anyway, enjoy! Thanks for reading…

This family is always so much fun to photograph. I did Cody’s senior session a few months ago, and now he’s back for some pictures with his mom, sister Sofia and Carter, the family dog. We had lots of fun playing in the leaves, but I think Carter had the most fun – he didn’t...