Category Archives: Uncategorized

WOW, does this girl have energy! Photographing Lindsay was a riot. I wanted to do mix of some traditional and non-traditional posing with her. It was exciting to get to try some new things with such a willing subject. Thanks again Lindsay! Thanks for reading…

Cody loves to fish. So, to celebrate his senior year of high school, we went to Turtle River for some outdoor portraits. He even caught a fish while we were there! We had beautiful early morning light and gorgeous weather – a perfect day for pictures. I had a lot of fun taking these pictures...

Yay! My first picture post, and what a great subject to start with. Isn’t he the most handsome baby? I was fortunate enough to get to photograph this little man at his home – he’s almost six weeks! Can you believe the hair? He did so good getting his picture taken; putting up with everyone...

Well, I have finally made the plunge. After years of wishing, planning, and waiting, I finally decided to go full-time with my photography business. I have wanted to do this for many years, but leaving the security of a full-time job was just plain scary! But, after doing some serious soul searching, I realize that...