Well, I suppose I should finally get around to making the "official" announcement: We are expecting baby number two around Easter! Hooray! I am 16(ish) weeks, and everything looks great. We are very excited about this new addition to our family! I can't believe I am 16 weeks already – we get to do the "big" ultrasound at our next appointment!
Along with that news, I also wanted to ask that if you or anyone in your family has this nasty crud that is going around and your session is approaching, please let me know so that we can determine if we need to reschedule. Because I am pregnant, I am at a much higher risk for complications from H1N1. Even more worrisome is my daughter – because she has had pneumonia several times, my Dr. informed me that if she were to contract it, she would most likely be hospitalized immediately. This stuff is everywhere, but I have to do everything I can to keep it out of my house!
Thanks everyone!