The kids are asleep, our bags are (almost) packed and we are “only” about 3 hours behind schedule. 🙂  We are heading out tomorrow morning at (gulp) 5 a.m. headed for Elko, NV, where we will get to be with family for almost two weeks!  It will be so nice to be somewhere different, and for the kids to get to spend some good quality time with their Grammy and Grampa, aunts, uncles, cousins, old friends… can’t wait! 

Getting there might be a little interesting.  This is the first time we have traveled cross-country with two kids.  Right now Oliver’s idea of an extended car ride is when we take the long way home from Target, so we’ll see how this goes.   Della will at least watch movies now.  Oliver… not so much.  And did I mention he seems to be scared of being in the car in the dark?  We are crossing our fingers that we will make it in two days.  Two TWELVE-HOUR days.  My palms sweat at the thought of it.

Needless to say, I will be away from my office for a few days, but I will have access to email and phone messages. 

Wish us luck!

Thanks for reading…