Just a quick update for the blog – Della has been very sick so I have had to put work on hold for a bit.  She had the flu and then pneumonia.  Yep, for those of you who have been reading my blog for a while this might sound familiar.  This is the fourth time the poor girl has had pneumonia!  She is much better now, thankfully.  If you are waiting for a blog post or proofs hang in there, things are returning to normal and I hope to be editing like a mad woman soon.  Thanks for your patience and understanding while I take care of my little one!

And because no post is complete without pictures, here are some pictures of Della and Oliver.  Some of you may have seen the one of Della on Facebook, but I think it is hilarious and worthy of cross-posting.  It speaks volumes about where we are at in life right now.  This was actually a pretend grumpy face, thank goodness!


Thanks for reading…