Tag Archives: erin phillips

Being the insomniac that I am (sometimes my choice, sometimes my sweet children’s choice), I was up at 4:30 a.m. today.  I looked out the window and although it was still dark, I could see the huge amounts of hoar frost that had grown on everything over night.  By 6:00 I was making muffins and...

I just finished up her gallery and couldn’t wait to share more from Baby  Anica’s newborn session.  At a mere 9 days old, she was super sleepy and squishy, perfect for pictures. 🙂  Welcome, Anica! Thanks for reading…

Meet Paul, one of my awesome 2013 seniors! I have known Paul since he was pretty young, and I can’t believe he’s graduating. He is one of the hippest, coolest seniors around.  Congrats, Paul! We had a huge storm come over us while we were shooting on top of one of the parking garages –...