Tag Archives: grand forks

I know I have said this before (many times!) but I just need to say it again: Man, I love my job!  I get to work with such awesome, fantastic families. I am incredibly honored and grateful to each and every one of my clients for choosing me to photograph their family. That being said,...

Trying to catch up on some blog posts during the busy season! We had beautiful light at University Park for the U family’s session.  This family made my job super easy – thank you for the great session! Thanks for reading…

Okay, time to catch up.  I am finally getting caught up from the insane holiday rush.  I will be blogging some sessions that you haven’t seen yet!  Upcoming blog posts are going to include a gorgeous wedding, some fun family portrait sessions and some incredibly sweet newborn babies, one of which is my newest nephew!  I will start with Steph and Matt’s engagement...

Wasn’t the hoarfrost breathtaking yesterday?  Della and I went out to take some pictures but we didn’t last long, despite full-bundling, due to the cold.  It felt extra cold yesterday, maybe it was the humidity in the air?  It is odd to me that I have *felt* warmer at zero degrees than I did yesterday at...